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Communication Management: PM 101 Learning Series  IN-PERSON | COLE 340

Communication Management: PM 101 Learning Series IN-PERSON | COLE 340

PM 101: Workshop 7 - Communication Management

Location: In-Person | COLE 340

Date: Apr 10, 2025  

Time: 1pm – 3pm  

Facilitator: David Vincenti

Studies have shown that managers spend an average of 80% of their time on communication, whether the forum is verbal discussions or written documents. For project managers, who are constantly juggling multiple activities across multiple people, we suspect the actual percentage of time spent on communication is likely to be higher.  In fact, in terms of frequency of reporting, communication is likely to be the most reported problem area.  So how do project managers get ahead of the problem and design proper communication mechanisms to minimize confusions? Welcome to Workshop #6.  

In this workshop, we will discuss how to plan for good communication including the tools and techniques for planning communication, understanding stakeholders (from Workshop #2), and developing a good communication plan.  

As a part of the workshop, we are planning one activity – develop a communication plan. 


To Participants:

  • Learn how to turn insights into stakeholder needs into a plan for meeting those needs through a variety of communications while avoiding redundancy of effort in communications. (Workshop 2 - Stakeholder Management will be referenced, but is not a prerequisite for this workshop).
  • Develop an understanding of project reporting, including what leaders expect to see and what project parameters are likely to be reported on frequently
  • Explore cultural expectations of interpersonal and leadership styles and how they influence project communications.

To the University:

  • Raise awareness of communication needs and expectations specifically as they affect projects and cross-project activity, but also across departments and campus communities.


Please visit the Project Management 101 Learning Series Canvas course to view additional resources.


Project Management 101 Learning Series Schedule

Thursday, April 10, 2025
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
  Faculty / Staff     Staff  
  Learning & Development  

Registration is required. There are 19 seats available.


Profile photo of David Vincenti
David Vincenti

Adjunct Professor, Management

Profile photo of Learning & Development
Learning & Development